How to Learn SEO: Step-By-Step Guide

Learning SEO is an attainable goal for individuals and businesses alike, particularly those with smaller websites and user-friendly content management systems or e-commerce platforms. It primarily demands a commitment of time and dedication to grasp the fundamentals of SEO. The most effective approach to mastering SEO is a hands-on one, where you can apply your newfound knowledge directly, especially if you already have a website that could benefit from SEO optimization. If you wonder about the best way to learn SEO, you can select the most appropriate version, from SEO blogs to podcasts.

What Is SEO? 

People often think, “Why should I learn SEO if I intend to succeed in my business?” If you are already in business or thinking about starting one, it is inevitable to perform SEO for your digital entity. So SEO, standing for Search Engine Optimization, entails the strategic techniques and practices employed to enhance a website’s visibility and ranking on search engines like Google. 

By refining various aspects of your website, such as content, structure, and performance, SEO aims to boost organic, non-paid traffic to your site. As you optimize your web presence, you increase the probability that your content will be prominently displayed in search engine results pages (SERPs) when users search for relevant keywords. 

SEO Learning Roadmap 

We’ll explore the intriguing field of search engine optimization (SEO) and answer some of the most often-asked queries by beginners during this journey. We have the answers to your questions, including whether SEO is simple to learn and how long it takes to become proficient. We’ll walk you through the nuances of learning SEO step by step so you can comprehend the specifics of search engine optimization. 

how search engines work

How Search Engines Work?

The ranking of webpages in search results is determined by sophisticated algorithms used by search engines like Google. So, it’s essential to comprehend how these engines work to fully utilize SEO. Crawling, indexing, and ranking are the three steps that search engines use to find content. 

  • Crawling: Google sends out robots, or crawlers, to browse the internet by clicking links. These crawlers find many kinds of content, including web pages, photos, videos, and more. When users visit a website, they gather data, click on connections to other pages, and then report their findings to Google. 
  • Indexing: Crawlers add new and relevant items they find to Google’s enormous database, the search index. The URLs of all the discovered and indexed material are stored in this database. Learn more about how to make Google crawl and index your site.
  • Ranking: When users conduct searches, the ranking procedure takes place. The relevance of the indexed content to a specific query is evaluated by Google’s algorithms, which then rank search results from most to least relevant. This determines the order in which websites show up in search results. Use a rank checker tool.

It’s crucial to offer content that responds explicitly to visitors’ search queries if you want your website to rank better in Google’s search results. Doing this increases the likelihood that your website will appear on the preferred first page of search results. 

Types of SEO 

Since each type of SEO is so related to one another, there aren’t any “main” sorts of SEO in reality. 

on-page SEO

On-page SEO 

On-page SEO is the process of enhancing particular website components to increase your website’s exposure in search engine results. This optimization takes many forms, such as adding relevant search terms to meta descriptions, ensuring the URL structure is ideal, and producing helpful content that instructs, motivates, and directs visitors as they traverse your website. 

On-page SEO essentially focuses on improving the content and organization of your websites to make them more user- and search engine-friendly. Here are the essentials of On-Page Optimization: 

  • Start by researching and selecting relevant keywords that align with your target audience’s search queries. These keywords should be strategically placed throughout your content. 
  • Create compelling titles, descriptions, and headings that accurately represent your content and incorporate your target keywords. These meta tags provide crucial information to both users and search engines. 
  • Form clean and descriptive URLs that users and search engines find easily understandable. A well-structured URL improves user experience and search engine ranking. 
  • Develop engaging, readable, well-formatted, high-quality, keyword-rich content that provides real value to your audience. Quality content not only attracts visitors but also ranks higher in search results. 
  • Establish a logical and user-friendly website structure. Implement well-structured internal links to improve navigation and distribute authority throughout your site. This helps both users and search engines find and understand your content. 
  • Optimize images by reducing file sizes to enhance page loading speed. Use descriptive filenames and add relevant alt text to improve accessibility and help search engines understand the content of your images. 
off-page SEO

Off-page SEO 

Off-page SEO describes a collection of tactics and procedures carried out off your website but significantly impacts how it performs in search engine results. These actions resemble online word-of-mouth recommendations and demonstrate to consumers and search engines that your website is reliable and relevant.  

Off-page SEO’s main objectives are to drive more traffic to your website, strengthen the reputation of your business, and raise your position in search engine results pages (SERPs). It encompasses activities like constructing high-quality backlinks, participating in social media, getting included in online directories, guest blogging, and working with influencers to develop your website’s reliability and authority in the digital sphere. Here are the essentials of Off-Page Optimization: 

  • One of the most important factors is acquiring high-quality backlinks from reputable websites. These backlinks serve as a vote of confidence and credibility in the eyes of search engines, signaling your authority within your niche or industry. 
  • Building a strong presence on social media platforms is vital. Encourage social signals, such as likes, shares, and comments, as they enhance your online visibility. Active engagement on social media can boost brand recognition and traffic. 
  • Listing your business in relevant online directories and maintaining consistent and accurate citations across the web is essential, especially for local businesses. This improves your local search visibility, making it easier for local customers to find you. 
  • Collaborating with industry influencers and guest blogging on authoritative websites can significantly expand your online reach and gain exposure to a broader audience. This strategy builds backlinks and establishes your expertise within your field. 

Local SEO 

Local SEO aims to optimize your website so that it appears higher in search results for geographically specific queries. Users see local results when they enter a city name or when search engines determine a user’s location based on their device. To learn local SEO campaigns and make it simpler for people in the area to find your goods or services, you can take some advice from the professionals you know. 

international SEO

International SEO 

International SEO aims to make your website content appealing to users who speak different languages or reside in different parts of the world. Think about a website that sells WordPress plugins to people worldwide. You can choose to develop a specific website and translate your material into the regional language to increase sales in particular nations. As a result, the same page is available in multiple languages, including English and German. 

However, targeting nations with comparable languages or those where numerous languages are spoken might make international SEO more challenging. It can be difficult to control these changes and ensure your material is presented accurately to the target audience. So, to effectively reach and engage users across diverse linguistic and geographic boundaries, tactics like hreflang tags and geotargeting are needed. 

E-Commerce SEO 

A digital marketing tactic called “e-commerce SEO” makes an online business more visible on search engine result pages (SERPs). The main goal is to raise the store’s position in search engine results, subsequently increasing organic traffic to the e-commerce website.  

E-commerce SEO seeks to attract highly relevant visitors without incurring additional costs, unlike paid advertising, where you pay per click. Online stores must optimize their websites to effectively draw in and convert potential customers because search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo use numerous SEO elements to evaluate a web store’s ranking. 

Basics of SEO 

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the key to realizing your online potential. Instead of remaining a hidden gem, you can make use of SEO, which is a systematic strategy for raising your website’s ranking on search engines like Google. To explore and learn SEO basics, you can go ahead and read the following subheadings. 

keyword research

Keyword Research 

Finding out what topics your target audience is searching for, the potential traffic these phrases can generate, and the competition to rank for them are all part of the process known as keyword research. This crucial stage improves topic selection and content optimization for search engines. 

The Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and Moz are just a few of the available keyword research tools. These tools make it simpler to develop content that appeals to your audience and raises your website’s search engine rankings by assisting in identifying relevant terms that correspond with their search queries. Check this keyword research checklist article to learn more.

Content Creation and Optimization 

By concentrating on content production and optimization, you can improve your website’s capacity to satisfy user expectations and rank higher in search engine results, increasing organic traffic and improving SEO results. To learn SEO optimization, first, you need to know that your writing should be insightful, engaging, and original. It needs to be appealing to your target audience and provide genuine value.  

User-satisfying content increases the likelihood that visitors will stay on your site longer, resulting in more extended stays, more page views, and even conversions. Integrating relevant keywords into your writing enhances your content’s visibility in search results by assisting search engines in comprehending the subject and context of your writing. To ensure that your material flows naturally, prioritize readability and user experience. So, check this basic SEO checklist.

technical optimization

Technical Optimization 

SEO’s technical optimization is all about optimizing the behind-the-scenes elements of your website to enhance its performance and accessibility to search engines. These technical optimizations may not be visible to users but are crucial in improving your website’s search engine performance. Key areas to consider include: 

  • Website Speed and Performance: Improve loading speed, reduce server response time, and optimize code for a faster user experience. Check your website speed now.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: Ensure your site is fully responsive and mobile-friendly, adapting seamlessly to different device screens. Use our free mobile-friendly test tool to learn more.
  • Site Structure and XML Sitemaps: Organize your site’s structure logically and create XML sitemaps to aid search engines’ inefficient crawling and indexing. So, take a look at your site analysis.
  • Robots.txt and Canonicalization: Use robots.txt to guide search engine crawlers and employ canonical tags to prevent duplicate content issues. 
  • HTTPS and Website Security: Secure your site with HTTPS encryption to protect user data and enhance trustworthiness for both visitors and search engines. 

Link Building 

A key component of SEO is link-building, which is acquiring high-quality backlinks from other websites to your own. These hyperlinks serve as recommendations, informing search engines that your website is reliable and knowledgeable in its field.  

It’s vital to have well-thought-out tactics for link expansion, which may include producing worthwhile content, contacting relevant websites and influencers, and utilizing your professional network to acquire high-quality backlinks. Establishing connections with key players and webmasters in your field is crucial for building partnerships and collaborations that may eventually result in organic backlinks. 

usage of SEO tools

Usage of SEO Tools 

  • Begin by identifying your primary “money” keywords. These are typically high-volume, high-competition keywords that directly relate to your offerings. They are often referred to as head terms or pillar page keywords.  
  • Use SEO tools like Semrush to access keyword data. For instance, in Semrush, you can open the Domain Overview tool and enter your domain to view your “Top Organic Keywords.” 
  • Define the primary keyword you want to target and enter it into Semrush’s Keyword Magic Tool with “Broad Match” selected. Use filters for search volume and keyword difficulty, and consider checking the “Questions” filter for long-tail keyword opportunities.  
  • Once you’ve identified your target keywords, you must map them to specific pages on your website. Start by using one keyword to identify a more extensive set of related keywords. Export these keywords to a spreadsheet and group them by questions they answer. Use the associated keywords to visualize the structure of your website and potential pages.  
  • Finally, categorize your keywords based on their relevance to your site’s specific pages or content topics. 

Resources to Learn SEO 

Can you learn SEO online?” the answer is absolutely yes! Well, where do you start when learning SEO, with its complicated strategies and constantly changing algorithms? Fortunately, many materials are accessible to guide you through this complex area and help you learn SEO and master it. 

These tools can help you on your path to SEO expertise, whether you’re a total beginner looking for beginner-friendly tips or an experienced marketer seeking advanced insights. If you are committed to seeking where to learn SEO, here are some tips for you in the following titles. 

Google sources

Google Sources 

Google Analytics Academy is a valuable resource for individuals in the field of SEO. It offers a range of courses designed to help you understand and use Google Analytics effectively. You need to learn SEO Google nuances to comprehend how Google Analytics functions. Here’s an overview of the courses you can find on Google Analytics Academy: 

  • The “Google Analytics for Beginners” course is ideal for beginners in Google Analytics. It covers the basics of setting up an Analytics account, navigating the platform, and understanding key metrics and reports. 
  • Once you’ve grasped the basics, you can delve deeper into the platform with the “Advanced Google Analytics” course. It explores more advanced features and techniques, including data collection and processing, advanced analysis, and customization. 
  • The “Google Analytics for Power Users” course is tailored for users who want to become proficient in leveraging Google Analytics for data-driven decision-making. It covers topics like segmentation, remarketing, and e-commerce tracking, allowing you to unlock the full potential of your analytics data. 
  • Google Analytics 360 is a premium version of Google Analytics designed for enterprises and larger organizations. This course introduces you to the features and capabilities of Google Analytics 360, making it suitable for professionals working with larger-scale websites or clients. 

To access these courses and get started, visit the Google Analytics Academy website ( and enroll in the courses that align with your skill level and goals. 

SEO blogs

SEO Blogs 

Like the digital ecosystem, SEO is constantly evolving to keep up with advances in technology and user trends. Marketing professionals must stay current on SEO developments in this fast-paced world. Fortunately, SEO blogs are one of the best places to learn SEO, offering an enormous quantity of information. 

SEO blogs are widely acclaimed by organizations, experts, and companies alike for providing industry news, cutting-edge methods, and the knowledge required to succeed in this always-evolving field. You don’t have to be concerned about how to learn about SEO because these pros were previously beginners, too. Here are some of the best SEO blog recommendations: 

  • Google Search Central Blog: This is the official blog of Google. It offers the latest updates, news, and exclusive reports directly from Google. It’s the go-to place to stay informed about Google’s algorithms and get tips to enhance your website’s organic rankings. If you want to learn SEO from Google and its best experts, you should give it a chance! 
  • SEMRush SEO Blog: SEMRush’s blog is renowned for its extensive collection of SEO articles covering various topics. Whether you’re interested in content strategy, content marketing, SEO, SEM, PPC, or more, you’ll find valuable insights and information to deepen your understanding of SEO. 
  • Moz Blog: Moz Blog is a top-notch source for various aspects of online marketing, primarily focusing on SEO. To learn SEO Moz comes as a valuable blog. You do not have to pay extreme prices to benefit from it. While it does feature news, its articles predominantly offer practical how-to guides and valuable resources, including cheat sheets for improving local SEO. 
  • Dopinger Blog: Take a look at the extensive Dopinger SEO and digital marketing blog to learn everything you need. For more information, visit here:
SEO courses

SEO Courses 

SEO courses encourage reflection on their technical complexities while also paving the way for new job opportunities. By earning certificates from such courses, you may not only demonstrate your competence but also have unlimited access to valuable online resources, enabling you to learn SEO online and giving you the freedom to go back and check them out whenever you like. 

  • Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide (Google Developers): This is the official starter guide for beginners provided by Google Developers. It’s an excellent resource for those new to SEO, offering comprehensive insights into the fundamentals of optimizing your website for search engines. 
  • SEO Training (ClickMinded): ClickMinded’s SEO Training is designed to transform you into an SEO expert. It covers many topics and teaches you how to learn SEO and use some of the best SEO tools available. This course is suitable for individuals who want to gain in-depth knowledge and practical skills in SEO. Check the free SEO tools here.
  • SEO Certification Course (Hubspot Academy): HubSpot Academy offers a short SEO certification course perfect for beginners. Despite its brevity, it covers the essentials of SEO and provides a free certificate upon completion, making it a great starting point for those new to SEO. 
  • Technical SEO course with Bastian Grimm (Semrush Academy): If you’re an intermediate-level SEO practitioner looking to learn SEO course for a technical level, this course with Bastian Grimm on Semrush Academy is an excellent choice. It offers in-depth insights into technical SEO strategies and practices. 
YouTube videos on SEO

YouTube Videos on SEO 

The most excellent aspect of YouTube is that it is a well-known platform for media consumption and is free. It is a goldmine of free educational materials for learning the fine art of SEO. So with YouTube, you can learn SEO for free without any cost. Notably, YouTube’s smart algorithm naturally customizes recommendations to your interests as you interact with video, allowing you to gradually explore and refine your preferences. Here are the recommended videos for exploring the best way to learn SEO online

  • Ahrefs SEO Tutorials: Ahrefs is a well-known name in the SEO industry. Their tutorials provide valuable tips and tricks for various aspects of SEO. Experts create these tutorials and cover a wide range of SEO needs, making them a valuable resource for beginners and experienced SEO professionals. 
  • vidIQ: vidIQ is a highly regarded YouTube SEO resource. It’s both a premium YouTube marketing tool and a YouTube channel. The channel offers valuable content, including tutorials and case studies, for new YouTubers trying to grow their channels in a competitive environment. 
  • Income School: Income School’s YouTube channel is a valuable resource for individuals interested in SEO, with tutorials on how to learn SEO marketing, blogging, and YouTube marketing. It caters to both beginners and experts in SEO. 
  • Ranking Academy: Led by Luc Durand, Ranking Academy is for you to learn about SEO strategies for achieving higher search engine rankings and online visibility. It specializes in online marketing and website development through informative videos that provide actionable tips and advice for improving Google rankings and overall online presence. 
  • Dopinger SEO Tutorial – Digital Marketing Course: Dopinger’s extensive YouTube channel provides everything you need to know about SEO. So, keep up with the contents updated regularly. You can visit Dopinger’s channel here:
SEO podcasts

SEO Podcasts 

Due to their accessible and educational nature, SEO podcasts are essential for learning the subject. They provide insightful information, keep you abreast of market developments, and can be easy to learn whenever you want. Here are some recommended SEO podcasts: 

  • Skill Up (HubSpot): This podcast, hosted by SEO experts Matthew Howells-Barby and Jorie Munroe, concisely covers a wide range of SEO topics. It’s perfect for staying updated with the latest SEO trends and learning SEO marketing
  • SEO 101: Designed for beginners, this podcast breaks down SEO concepts and best practices in a straightforward manner. It’s an excellent choice if you’re new to SEO and want to grasp the fundamentals. 
  • DoFollow: The SEO and digital marketing topics covered on SE Ranking’s DoFollow Podcast are presented together with valuable tips, up-to-date information, and engaging case studies. Experienced professionals contribute their knowledge to keep beginners up to date on SEO breakthroughs and advancements. 
  • Experts on the Wire: Hosted by Dan Shure, this podcast features interviews with renowned SEO professionals. It delves into various SEO topics, offering in-depth discussions and diverse insights from industry experts. 
  • Authority Hacker: If you’re interested in SEO as part of a broader online business strategy, this podcast is for you. Hosts Gael Breton and Mark Webster share their experiences running successful online businesses, also providing valuable insights on driving traffic, conversion strategies, and more. 
  • Dopinger: You can also check the Dopinger’s podcast page to learn more about SEO and digital marketing. So, click here to visit and listen to Dopinger’s podcasts.
does SEO require coding

Does SEO Require Coding? 

The answer is, basically, no. Nevertheless, while coding skills are not a strict requirement for SEO, having some familiarity with coding concepts can be valuable to learning technical SEO, overcoming its challenges, and collaborating effectively with developers. 

Many aspects of SEO can be managed without writing or altering code directly. Tasks like keyword research, content optimization, link building, and also on-page SEO can be handled without coding knowledge. 

Most websites today use Content Management Systems like WordPress, which offer user-friendly interfaces for SEO optimization. Without coding, you can manage SEO elements, such as titles, meta descriptions, and headers. 

While coding isn’t mandatory, understanding technical SEO concepts and how code affects website performance is advantageous. Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can help you diagnose and address technical issues that impact SEO, such as page speed optimization, structured data implementation, or resolving crawl errors. 

is learning SEO difficult

Is Learning SEO Difficult? 

Learning SEO can be challenging, but it’s an essential skill if you want to drive more traffic to your website. Starting with the fundamentals is crucial, but it’s just the beginning of your SEO journey. As you apply what you’ve learned and consistently work on improving your website’s SEO, you’ll gain valuable experience and insights. 

However, it’s essential to understand that SEO is not a quick fix. If you ask yourself, “How long does it take to learn SEO?” you must have found your answers so far. You won’t see significant changes in your website’s performance after just 2-3 weeks of implementing SEO strategies. Your expectation to learn SEO fast must be realistic. It’s a long-term game, so you need patience and persistence to see meaningful results. 


In conclusion, mastering SEO is within your reach. Therefore, these practices not only optimize your website for search engines but also enhance its discoverability for your target audience. So, embrace the learning journey, and as you delve deeper into SEO, you’ll unlock the keys to driving more traffic and achieving greater online visibility for your website. Through this article, you’ve gained valuable insights into SEO’s significance, its influence on organic traffic and online presence, and the essential skills needed for a successful SEO strategy. 

Frequently Asked Questions About

Most people take one to three months to learn SEO tools and techniques. Also, about six months to a year to perfect them through practice. The duration varies based on factors like study time, learning speed, and access to classes.

You can learn SEO for free through resources like the “Google SEO Fundamentals” course on Coursera, available on Class Central. And also by utilizing YouTube and other educational materials online.

Learning SEO is vital for websites and businesses because it offers continuous 24/7 promotion, often outperforming PPC advertising in click generation. SEO also enhances user experiences, leading to higher-quality leads and improved conversion rates. It boosts brand visibility in search results, aligns with the marketing funnel, and fosters brand credibility and trust. 

Search engine ranking is determined by a process where Google’s web crawlers scan and index web pages, evaluating them for trustworthiness and usefulness. When a user searches, the search engine retrieves highly relevant content from its index and arranges it to address the user’s query, a process known as ranking. 

The initial step in conducting effective keyword research is to create a list of broad topics relevant to your specific subject or niche. So, establishing a framework enables you to understand your target audience’s key areas of interest or concern. To refine your keyword selection, identify related search terms and assess the strength of these keywords. 

Backlinks are links from other websites to yours and play a significant role in your website’s SEO performance. These links act as endorsements, indicating to search engines that your site is reputable and trustworthy. When you have high-quality backlinks, your website’s search engine ranking can improve. This leads to greater visibility in search results and ultimately attracts more traffic. 

If your site runs slowly, visitors might leave your site, and so your rankings might drop. If you have many branches, you must ensure your Google My Business listing is correct and verified and create location-specific pages. Maintaining a solid SEO strategy requires handling problems like duplicate content, broken pictures, and also out-of-date information. Your website must be mobile-optimized to avoid a drop in rankings caused by poor mobile user experiences. 

Start with audience research to understand your target demographic’s needs and preferences. Develop content that speaks to your audience’s interests while incorporating relevant keywords strategically. Focus on delivering high-quality, valuable content that addresses their needs. Ensure that your optimization efforts remain meaningful to both search engines and your human readers. 

Through a variety of dependable resources, you can improve your SEO abilities. The Analytics IQ Exam from Google Analytics Academy is a credential in the field. HubSpot provides free SEO training, which is also very useful for marketers, content producers, and LinkedIn Learning. The Wordtracker Academy offers guides in seven categories. Including SEO and its keyword tool. Semrush, a reputable SEO toolkit, provides free courses through Semrush Academy in addition to manuals, eBooks, webinars, and podcasts. Not to mention blogs, Slack channels, subreddits, and podcasts on SEO. Which offers links to SEO specialists and possibilities for ongoing learning. 

Ayşenur Tekin
Ayşenur Tekin

Posts: 170

After graduating from Istanbul Aydin University, English Translation, and Interpreting department, Ayşenur Tekin is interested in writing and editing articles. She started her master's degree in New Media (at IAU) and started to gain knowledge in the fields of digital marketing and SEO. She is cur... Read More
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