Website Analyzer

You can use a website analyzer to track your website's performance and understand its quality. In order for your website to be positioned at the top of search engines, it must be optimized in accordance with SEO criteria.

You can find out whether you have a website that meets the ranking criteria of search engines by doing SEO analysis. You can obtain data on all performance indicators by analyzing your website with the Dopinger website analyzer.

When you analyze your website, you can obtain valuable data to see your SEO performance. There are many website analysis tools with which you can analyze your website. Each vehicle has different advantages and features.
Dopinger Website Analysis Tool offers you the advantages that many tools offer separately on a single platform.

website analyzer

Why Use Dopinger's Website Analyzer?

There are many paid and free website analysis tools on the market that you can use. Dopinger offers you a professional analysis tool with its strong infrastructure in the field of SEO, digital marketing and SEO.
Those looking for an SEO audit tool can complete the analysis process that they can do in 3-4 different tools in a single tool. Moreover, when you use Dopinger's SEO audit tool, it provides you with a report within seconds, free of charge.

If you're wondering why you should use Dopinger's website analysis tool, read on;

  • SEO audit tools available on the market are usually paid. You can perform a free website audit with this tool. Moreover, unlike tools that offer many features in paid plans, it offers you premium features for free.
  • Technical SEO errors on your website negatively affect ranking performance. This tool gives you technical SEO errors on your website and gives you ideas on how to fix these errors. In this way, you can find and eliminate technical SEO errors.
  • You can track the SEO performance of a web page with this tool. It provides you with valuable data and insights on many topics such as title, meta descriptions and on-page SEO performance on your website.
  • Among the most important SEO criteria is the internal link structure within the site. Dopinger SEO audit tool allows you to analyze on-page links. In this way, you can strengthen your internal link structure and ensure that your website is crawled and indexed more easily.
  • In order for the pages on your website to be noticed by search engine bots, you need to have a site map. You can check the XML sitemap with this tool. 
    You can identify duplicate content, monitor keyword performance, and perform visual SEO analysis.

How to Use the Website Analyzer Tool?

You can use Dopinger's Website Analysis Tool to perform website analysis. The process of using this tool is very practical.
You can follow these steps to use the SEO audit tool:

  • Go to the search bar on the screen.
  • Type the website URL you want to analyze here.
  • Then immediately press the “Analysis” button in the blue box to the right of the search bar.
  • Then, a detailed report will be presented to you in the analysis panel opened in a new tab.
  • In the analysis window that opens, you can type a different URL at the top and analyze it too. There is a dashboard for you on the left.

In the dashboard on the left, there are two different headings: SERP and report center. Under the SERP heading, you will see options such as SEO audit, web page analysis, page speed.

Under the SEO analysis report center heading, there are create report, create delivery Schedule, report delivery Schedule and delivery template options.

The best page analysis is at the top of the home screen. You can examine the best pages separately on a weekly and monthly basis.

Just below, you can make comparisons between keywords on your website. You can see monthly and weekly comparisons as diagrams and summaries.

You can track keyword performance for selected pages below. You can analyze the pages on Top by entering the URL below.

Features Of Website SEO Analyzer

When using the SEO analyzer for your website SEO analysis, you are greeted by a dashboard. You can follow many data on the dashboard on the main screen, respectively.

When you use this tool to perform a free site audit, it will provide you with data on keyword performance, page performance and technical SEO errors. You will also be able to make an evaluation about your competitors.

Some prominent features of the Website SEO analyzer are as follows:

Best Pages

best pages

This screen will greet you when you use it in your vehicle. They can view the keyword fragments listed in the SERP with date ranges, review them weekly with detailed graphic brackets, get a free report with the "Get Report" section, etc. It will be explained in general terms as follows.

The first field you see in the website SEO analysis tool is the top pages over time field. This section gives you an evaluation of the best performing pages and keywords on search engine results pages.

You can view the number of pages that rank first, top three, top ten, top thirty, top fifty, and top one hundred for specific keywords.

Moreover, you can do this sorting based on location. In this way, you may have the chance to follow the ranking or general ranking in a particular country on Google.

The best part of this section is that you can track page ranking performance on a monthly and weekly basis. When you do a monthly review, you can see the number of pages on a certain date each month. You also have the chance to see week-by-week changes in weekly evaluations.

When using the top pages feature, you can see your website page numbers in the organic search results as first rank, first three ranks, top 10-50 and 100 in the Comparison section. You can follow this as a summary or in diagram form if you want to examine it visually. You can use the comparison section on a monthly and weekly basis.

In the Top pages section, you can track the keywords for which a particular page was ranked on Google in the date range you selected. You can do this sorting by changing the date range. You can also filter for top rank, top 3, top 10, top 30, top 50 and top 100.

You can get your free top pages report by clicking the "Get Report" button just to the right of the Top pages section.

Keywords in TOP

keywords in top
One of the most important topics in the SEO process is keywords. It is possible to track how your website performs on which keywords with the Dopinger audit tool. You can also examine this issue while doing SEO site analysis.
You can follow the top 100 keywords performing on Google for the URL you entered in the Keywords in TOP section.
First of all, you can see the number of keywords in the first place, top 3, top 10, top 30, top 50 and top 100 on Google on the screen. In this section, you can make daily, weekly and monthly reviews. Moreover, you can follow the changes according to date.
There is a section right below that gives you the distribution of keywords in the TOP. In this section, you can make daily, weekly and monthly evaluations. You are given numbers as balls 1, 3, 10,30, 50 and 100. Moreover, it also shows you how many keywords in the relevant rank increased and decreased between the first date and the last date.
When you scroll down, you can get information about the rankings according to keywords. In this section, it gives you the rankings between dates, either by URL or just by keyword. In this way, you can see whether the ranking of the relevant keyword has changed between certain dates. 
Here, the keyword is written on the far left on a line. Next to it is the URL of the page where the keyword is located. Then, the rank of the keyword on the first date and the rank on the next date are given. Immediately to the right is information about the monthly search volume of the keyword. The last part of the line provides information about the popularity status.
If you want, you can get a free report about the keyword by clicking the "Get Report" tab on the right. 



Another feature when performing Dopinger SEO page analysis is the "Competitors" heading on the left in the dashboard. Under this heading, you have the chance to follow your competitors and the keywords you share with your competitors.
At the top there is a “Shared Keywords” section. This section contains the number of keywords you shared in the first rank, top 3-10-30-50-100 rankings.
Right below there is the “Shared Keyword Dynamics” section. In this section, each of your opponents is shown with a different color on the table. Below the table you can see the name and color of your opponents. In the table, you can see the number of keywords and changes you shared with the relevant competitor on certain dates.
At the bottom of the Competitors section is the "Competitors in Google TOP" section. In this section you see a list of your possible competitors on Google. In this section, one column contains the name of the competitor. Then you see the number of common keywords on the specific date. Right next to it, it gives you the number of common keywords in the later date range. You can also see the number of changes compared to the previous date at the top right of the rightmost number.
You can store the keywords you share with your competitors by date. Here you can get information about how many keywords you shared on certain dates. At the same time, you can choose any of your competitors and get a graphical report. Moreover, doing this is free of charge.
Analyzing your competitors in terms of keywords in the SEO website analysis report will show you your position in your market. You can do this for free with Dopinger.

Webpage Analyzer

If you are going to do SEO page analysis, you can click on the "Web Page Analyzer" section from the menu on the left. In this section, in-depth on-page and off-page SEO analysis of the web page you enter is performed. To use this tool, simply type the link of the web page you want.

It gives you an overall SEO evaluation score at the top of the screen. An evaluation is made out of 100. You also receive a general information message about whether the result is good or not. You can see the number of all inspections performed right below. You will then see the number of alerts and analysis presented to you in the successful audit, error, warning and basic information fields. Website free audit can be done here.

Let's take a look at the following sections:


The first section is a general SEO evaluation section. Here, on the right, a general comment such as "Good, improveable, bad" is made. Perform detailed SEO analysis and improve website.
First, there is the on-page SEO evaluation. In this section, meta description, snippet preview, title, favicon, in-page links, text/HTML ratio, image alt text, most frequently used words, average number of words per page are evaluated.


There are evaluations about the directory right below. In this section, there are explanations under subheadings such as being in the Google index, indexing permission, canonical tag, XML site map, robots.txt file, Hreflang tags, URL solutions, 404 pages, page depth, broken links.

Analytics and Counters

In the next section, there is the “Analysis and Counters” section. In this section, you can check whether your website is connected to Google Search Console, Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.

Structured Data

In the other section you will find the “Structured Data” evaluation. In this section, you can see the reports under the subheadings, Open Graph Protocol, Microformats.

Mobile Adaptability

The next section is mobile adaptability evaluation. There is general evaluation information on the right. Then, you can see evaluations under the subheadings of mobile processing, mobile page speed, AMP control, viewport, content width, font size, touch elements. In this section, they evaluate mobile page speed with a score out of 100. Average loading speed and page loading time in seconds are also available on the screen. They find problems with mobile page speed and list them to you.


Then you see the overall performance of your website. Here is general performance information of your website. Desktop page speed comes first here. Your page's opening speed performance on desktop devices is scored out of 100. Page loading time is given in seconds. It also includes a general evaluation text and evaluation rating. The main desktop page speed problems are listed below. Right below you can see the server response time, content type and document type sections. Server response time is stated in seconds. There is also an evaluation rating of server response time as "good or bad".

Social Media Presence

Below is the evaluation of your website's social media presence. In this section, there are separate evaluation areas for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Linkedln platforms. Whether you have a presence on each platform is evaluated separately. You also find a general evaluation comment about your social media presence.


The next section is an evaluation section about your domain. Here, the domain age section comes first. Your domain age is reported to you in years and days. It shows the date on which your domain was acquired and the date on which it expired. This section also includes data. In this section, you will see the first index date of your website according to the relevant platform.

Server and Security

The final evaluation part is in the field of server and security. In this section, you can see evaluations under the headings of server IP, IP standardization, server signature, page status, SSL security status, mixed content problem. You will also find a general evaluation statement in terms of server and security at the top. The Server IP section contains information about your website's IP address and the geographical location of your server. If you have a certificate in the SSL section, you can find information about the issue date, issuing institution and validity date.

webpage analyzer

The last section of your report includes a general evaluation section. At the bottom, there is a form through which you can contact Dopinger, as well as the SEO manager and contact information that will be assigned to you. Website audit free audit operations are at Dopinger.

Website Analyzer F.A.Q.

Click the questions to see frequently asked questions and their answers.

You can use the Dopinger website analyzer tool for free. You can analyze your website free of charge and obtain valuable data to strengthen your SEO processes.
Dopinger website analyzer analyzes many metrics of your website. It analyzes your website's on-page SEO metrics, indexing status, structured data, and mobile compatibility status. At the same time, domain name subheadings provide you with valuable data about social media presence.
Dopinger website analyzer tool is designed with advanced software programs. It gets instant results from the real database. Therefore, the data presented to you in the analysis report is reliable and up-to-date. To get the most accurate results, you need to make instant analysis.
The Website Analyzer tool allows you to see the current status, performance and deficiencies of your website. It analyzes your website based on various data. It allows you to obtain concrete data to subsequently plan the necessary optimization efforts. With this tool, you can instantly see your website's SEO performance and deficiencies.
Other websites serving in your industry are constantly carrying out SEO studies. At the same time, search engines are constantly updating web rankings. Therefore, you need to analyze your website periodically. You should regularly analyze your website with a detailed tool. You should analyze your website and review your strategy at least once a week with the Dopinger Website Analyzer Tool.
You can use the Dopinger Website Analyzer tool for any number of websites for free. You can analyze all of your websites with this tool. You can also analyze your competitors' websites to see their strengths and weaknesses and develop your strategy accordingly.
To analyze your website, you just need to enter your website URL into the analyzer tool. You do not need to enter website administration panel information or other special information.
No membership is required for Dopinger's tool that allows you to perform professional website analysis. You can perform analysis within a few seconds by entering your website link without any member login or information. However, you must be a member to download reports containing analysis results.