Technical SEO

HTTP Requests: Informative Guide  

HTTP Requests: Informative Guide  

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP for short, is the backbone of the Internet. Under this umbrella, HTTP responses and requests play a critical role. It starts right after a client wants to communicate with an HTTP server. After that, it must create and send an HTTP request to the website or w...

Minimizing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript Files 

Minimizing CSS, HTML, and JavaScript Files 

Meet us today to discuss practical matters. Yes, we decided indeed to help you do some housework, so to speak. Or let's say site work. You would probably agree that none of us wants to deal with a clapped-out website. We rather aim for a smoothly running one with a decent page load speed and navigab...

What 502 Bad Gateway Means and How to Fix It

What 502 Bad Gateway Means and How to Fix It

A 502 Bad Gateway error is a pretty common, yet annoying issue for most web users. It's one of the HTTP status codes that point out the presence of a communication breakdown with a given server. Are you frequently encountering this kind of response and wonder how to deal with it? Then our article mi...

What Is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

What Is SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)?

SMTP server can be confusing, but you should learn how to use it for your business. Instead of using a portable SMTP server or third-party email clients. You can use these services for free with your Gmail account. It allows you to send emails both with a secure and fast server. Most people do no...

403 Forbidden Error: What Is It & How to Fix It?

403 Forbidden Error: What Is It & How to Fix It?

We have all encountered 4xx error codes while surfing on the internet. Of course, each of these error codes points to a different issue. For example, 5xx errors are server-related problems. On the other hand, 3xx error codes are caused by HTTP issues. The topic of our today's article is 403 forbidde...

Technical SEO

You can find all kinds of information in our technical SEO category written by our expert analysts. In our blog category; We cover a lot of content such as crawling and indexing, XML sitemaps, stolen content and href tags.

What Is Technical SEO?

It is the process of ensuring that a website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines with the goal of improved organic rankings. Its important elements are crawling, indexing, loading speed and website architecture. Even if your site’s content is the best in its field, you won’t be able to rank if you haven’t done technical SEO checklist.

In its simplest form, Google and other search engines need to find and index your content. But that alone is not enough to rank. You need to optimize your site from start to finish. This; security, mobile compatibility, fast loading etc. many things are included.

But let’s say you weren’t aware of these, then what? In rare cases, you may rank even if you don’t optimize your site. But an optimized site will always be one step ahead.

It also refers to improving the technical aspects of a website to increase the ranking of its pages in search engines. Making a website faster, easier to crawl and understandable to search engines are the pillars of technical optimization. Technical SEO is a part of on-page SEO that focuses on improving elements on your website to achieve higher rankings. This is the opposite of off-site SEO, which is about building visibility for a website through other channels.