Technical SEO

404 Page Error in Technical SEO 

404 Page Error in Technical SEO 

In technical SEO, a "404 page error" happens when the webpage you're trying to visit can't be found. This problem is one of the most critical problems among the response codes. This can occur if there are changes in how the website is organized, some pages get deleted, or if there are mistakes in th...

Broken Redirect Error in Technical SEO 

Broken Redirect Error in Technical SEO 

In Technical SEO, a "broken redirect error" occurs when a website's redirection isn't working correctly. This issue can occur due to various reasons, like mistakes in setting the redirect or the page being unavailable. You may encounter this issue when any 301 redirect goes to a broken link or the U...

500 Page Error in Technical SEO 

500 Page Error in Technical SEO 

Among the response codes, code 500 is an important code. The "500 page error" in technical SEO indicates a server issue, hindering it from fulfilling requests. Triggers include misconfigurations, application code errors, or exceeding PHP memory limits. Users and search engines encountering this erro...

Canonical Points To 5XX Error in Technical SEO

Canonical Points To 5XX Error in Technical SEO

In technical SEO, the "Canonical points to 5XX error" happens when the designated canonical URL in a page's HTML code leads to a 5XX server error. This can harm search engine indexing and user experience. It's crucial to ensure functional canonical URLs to maintain proper SEO performance. If the can...

4xx Page Receives Organic Traffic Error in Technical SEO

4xx Page Receives Organic Traffic Error in Technical SEO

The "4xx page receives organic traffic" error in technical SEO indicates that a page with a 4xx response code, signaling client errors, is still getting organic traffic. This can affect user experience and SEO. The 4xx status typically signifies "not found" or "access denied." Resolving these issues...

403 Page Receives Organic Traffic Error in Technical SEO 

403 Page Receives Organic Traffic Error in Technical SEO 

The "403 page receives organic traffic" error in technical SEO signals that a page marked with a 403 response code (access forbidden) is still getting organic traffic. This could affect user experience and SEO. Possible triggers for this issue include misconfigurations, permission problems, or other...

4xx Page in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO 

4xx Page in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO 

The "4xx page in sitemap" error in technical SEO indicates issues with the URLs listed in the website's sitemap. This can be triggered by broken links, deleted pages, or URLs that lead to pages with client errors, such as 404 (Not Found) or 403 (Forbidden) response codes.  Why is 4xx page in site...

What Is CLS? How to Avoid Cumulative Layout Shift

What Is CLS? How to Avoid Cumulative Layout Shift

If you're not into web design, you may have never heard of CLS or Cumulative Layout Shift in its full name. This issue, which you can encounter while browsing websites, can sometimes be quite annoying. If you own a website, visitors may not want to spend time on it due to this problem, leading to a ...

Server Response Time Codes Guide  

Server Response Time Codes Guide  

Let’s say you want to buy a pair of sneakers to use while strolling around the mall. Instead of visiting a physical store, you decided to buy the shoe from the brand’s site, for example. All you need to do is type the brand name into the search bar and click the enter button. Congratulations, thousa...

Technical SEO

You can find all kinds of information in our technical SEO category written by our expert analysts. In our blog category; We cover a lot of content such as crawling and indexing, XML sitemaps, stolen content and href tags.

What Is Technical SEO?

It is the process of ensuring that a website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines with the goal of improved organic rankings. Its important elements are crawling, indexing, loading speed and website architecture. Even if your site’s content is the best in its field, you won’t be able to rank if you haven’t done technical SEO checklist.

In its simplest form, Google and other search engines need to find and index your content. But that alone is not enough to rank. You need to optimize your site from start to finish. This; security, mobile compatibility, fast loading etc. many things are included.

But let’s say you weren’t aware of these, then what? In rare cases, you may rank even if you don’t optimize your site. But an optimized site will always be one step ahead.

It also refers to improving the technical aspects of a website to increase the ranking of its pages in search engines. Making a website faster, easier to crawl and understandable to search engines are the pillars of technical optimization. Technical SEO is a part of on-page SEO that focuses on improving elements on your website to achieve higher rankings. This is the opposite of off-site SEO, which is about building visibility for a website through other channels.