Simge Caglar

Simge Caglar


Hello, I have been interested in digital marketing for 2 years. I produce content to be useful to you in the fields of SEO, Digital Marketing and I work with the Dopinger team. You can follow my articles on Dopinger Blog.

How Long Should a Blog Post Be?

How Long Should a Blog Post Be?

If you started writing a blog, you probably have some questions in your head. And one of the most important things that you should decide is "How long should a blog post be?" The reasons why this question is so important are various. Let's see a few points to find the ideal ...

How to Launch a Product

How to Launch a Product

Setting up a new business and creating a new product may seem scary. But there is something more important than that, launching a product. You may feel confident about your product. However, presenting it to the world is a whole nother issue. You will need to plan the launching of your product in de...

How to Get More Email Subscribers

How to Get More Email Subscribers

It is a known fact that you should be growing your email list whether you have a blog or a digital market. Regardless of your field, you need to grow your audience. It goes without saying that you need to convert a first-time visitor to your website into an email subscriber. If you cannot get them t...

Guide to Use UTM Parameters

Guide to Use UTM Parameters

After creating a marketing strategy, it is necessary to use some methods to achieve success while working in this direction. For example; It is important to collect various data in order to understand the target audience as well as possible. The tools that will provide you with this and similar data...

Digital Marketing Consultant

Digital Marketing Consultant

Digital marketing consulting is an important sector. It gains importance in recent times. The reason for this is the development of the digital world. Businesses that want to move their brand to the digital world get the help of digital marketing agencies. An online marketing consultant also helps b...

What Is Search Intent & How to Optimize for It?

What Is Search Intent & How to Optimize for It?

Search intent is the reason behind a researcher's query on search engines. In other words, it is the answer to why the person searched. Is the user searching for a question? Does the user want an answer to this question? Putting all these aside, they might just want to visit a specific website. Mayb...

Reddit Marketing

Reddit Marketing

Reddit is still one of the most popular and active social networking sites, founded by Alexis Ohanian and Steve Huffman in 2005. Millions of people visit the website regularly to share and discover new content, find the answer to their questions, get information about different topics, such as music...