Simge Caglar

Simge Caglar


Hello, I have been interested in digital marketing for 2 years. I produce content to be useful to you in the fields of SEO, Digital Marketing and I work with the Dopinger team. You can follow my articles on Dopinger Blog.

Bing Ads: A Simple Guide

Bing Ads: A Simple Guide

Bing is now one of the most successful search engines worldwide. It proved its presence in the market by MSN Search and Windows Live Search for the past decade.  Although it has a considerable gap with the market leader, Google, in terms of market size, Bing has become a dominant force on th...

What Is Bing?

What Is Bing?

Did you lose your interest in using Google? Fortunately, it is not the only option for you. If you are looking for different search engine options, you should give Bing a chance. Here is everything you should know about the search engine, including its difference from Google.  Bing, or ...

Yandex Direct: A Simple Guide

Yandex Direct: A Simple Guide

Yandex Direct is an interface that allows brands to publish contextual ads. It means that ads will be displayed according to users’ interests. Therefore, brands reach their potential customers directly. Brands can use different formats for their ads, and they can work with Yandex’s personal managers...

What Is Native Advertising? (&Its Methods)

What Is Native Advertising? (&Its Methods)

Digital marketing strategies keep on improving with various new methods, and they become more and more effective. While there are numerous reasons for this, all-around better advertising approaches and strategies are the most prominent ones. Native advertising is one of these advertising strategies ...

Impression Share: What Is It? (& Its Types)

Impression Share: What Is It? (& Its Types)

If you are using ads to introduce or higher earnings of your company, impression share will help you decide your company’s strategy. Impression share is a name for comparison of the impression that you gained with your ads and impression that you can gain thanks to your ads. The formula is so simple...

How to Get ADS on YouTube? (Detailed Guide)

How to Get ADS on YouTube? (Detailed Guide)

YouTube is the world’s second most popular search engine. So, it is one of the most powerful platforms for businesses trying to grab the attention of customers. Approximately two billion active users log in to YouTube every month. That’s why YouTube has an incredible capacity to help brands reach ne...

Google Knowledge Graph Search API (How to Use?)

Google Knowledge Graph Search API (How to Use?)

The Knowledge Graph is like a giant virtual encyclopedia that Google references to create certain elements of search results. Judging by the updates from Google, this virtual encyclopedia has grown considerably. Google Knowledge Graph currently consists of more than 500 billion facts about 5 billion...

How to Optimize Local Advertising? (Brief Guide)

How to Optimize Local Advertising? (Brief Guide)

The introduction of the internet into our lives has brought about great changes in social terms. Also, the widespread use of the internet at this level has made great changes in business life too. Advertising on the internet changed the buyer-seller relationship. The old phone books are now almost e...

What Is Cloudflare? (and Its Advantages)

What Is Cloudflare? (and Its Advantages)

Recently, the number of platforms that offer website services in an institutionalized, reliable, and comprehensive manner is increasing day by day. Because as the number of websites increases and competition in the digital world intensified, websites need to offer better results in terms of speed an...