What Is an SEO Strategy?

Everyone wants to be featured on Google, agree? Therefore, writing an article on how to create an SEO strategy can be a good strategy for a company that, among other activities, teaches courses on website optimization, the techniques, and tools for placing websites in prominent positions in large companies. Seekers want to have their training disseminated.

This is SEO. Knowing how to set up an SEO strategy was your question, and we worked on the content of this article precisely to be well-positioned when you did this search in a great tool like Google, Bing, or Yahoo. Magic? No. Pure technique combined with good marketing principles.

When creating an SEO strategy, we discuss the brand’s strategic positioning concerning a specific group of keywords. We believe that Internet users will do their searches. That is the essence of SEM – Search Engine Marketing.

In the specific case of SEO, our concern is fundamental with excellent exposure on the answer pages of the search engines, also known as SERPs, in the organic search area, that is, the unpaid results of the search engines.

SEO Strategy Steps

Considering that ranking is a means and not an end, it is worth remembering that a good result in SEO is not limited to occupying the top positions in Google. And that goes for blogs, web pages, and online shopping websites. It goes much further since strategic SEO performs optimizations and methods focusing on the objectives and goals desired by your company in the organic traffic channel.

Everything is planned, executed, and measured with a focus on the SEO result your business wants to achieve. This can be, for example, leveraging online sales, awareness, or growth in the number of leads.

seo strategies

Analyze the Market

It offers an amazing experience on your website (since it is essential to combine UX and SEO ). But even to perform strategic SEO in your company. For this, it makes it much easier for you to have essential information such as:

  • Who is your persona (your possible customer)
  • Key Demographic Data
  • How is the business process involved
  • How he buys
  • Which channels do you use

Analyze Competition to Start an SEO

Competition is commonplace in many ways of business or achievement. A company in which there is competition shows excellent interest. In principle, where there is competition, there are opportunities and prospects. But of course, the competition must be measured to minimize risk factors.

Competitor analysis is essential to do to find out whether the market niche is possible to enter or not. The information and benchmarks obtained will be very useful as material for decision-making or formulating strategies and targets that must be achieved. For a good benchmark, it is essential to keep track of some indicators and metric data, such as:

  • Competitor Meta Tag Analysis
  • Analysis of the Use of Keywords and Content
  • Site Structure Analysis
  • Compare Page Loading Speeds
  • Competitor SMO Analysis

Create SEO Goals

Want to get good results in SEO? So it is necessary to have well-defined goals as a starting point. This includes having clear objectives with deadline determination, such as increasing the…

  • organic traffic to the site by 30% over the next six months;
  • the share of the organic channel to 50% in up to 6 months;
  • the conversion of the organic channel in the next three months;

However, it is not always simple to think that way. It is common to find companies with grand and generic goals, such as increasing sales or bringing more traffic. For these cases, one way out may be to break the grandiose idea into small OKRs ( Objectives and Key Results ) like the ones mentioned above.

So things start to get clear, and the SEO goals start to gain numbers. Several companies work with OKRs, like Google and get great results.

Do SEO Planning

Within a company, the act of planning needs to be very consistent. Thus, knowledge about SEO cannot be restricted to Digital Marketing professionals. It may be that other areas of the company are involved in executing the planned strategy.

If these practices are not implemented, the results will take much longer, resulting in even more significant financial and resource investment. So it is worthwhile to plan in an integrated, aligned, and collaborative way.

Site Structure

Everyone knows the importance of optimized content for SEO, but most forget that the site’s structure directly impacts the ranking in SERP.

Are you wondering how to reach the top spots on Google? Start by organizing the information hierarchy well and giving a clear objective to the website, online store, or blog, such as selling, generating leads, etc. This point can be quite laborious, but it will be the foundation of your SEO strategy.

Do Keyword Research

Another critical factor for successful SEO strategies is choosing keywords correctly. The keywords and the semantic field need to be aligned with your objective and line of business.

Depending on the chosen keywords, it will be necessary to make a series of changes to the SEO On-Page, such as reviewing the site’s structure and the links and creating new pages. It is important to have a keyword research checklist for tracking your strategy.

keyword research

For example, your goal is to leverage sales. If you have not chosen the right keywords according to your segment, products or services, etc., SEO strategies may increase traffic (because ranking has improved). Still, they will not increase the volume of online buyers.


Link-building is a cornerstone of SEO for increased visibility. It allows you to promote your website and you can forward to your page the visitors. In addition, getting many backlinks will provide authority for your website. The first step is creating and planning and link-building checklist for your website. You should find the best strategies according to your brand. It is important to get backlinks from high-authority websites and add relevant internal links in the link-building process.

SEO Performance

It is possible to divide organic traffic in two ways:


It improves the positioning of a brand in the market, taking the message to the consumer through advertising campaigns, entertainment, etc. In a nutshell, branded traffic will always be accompanied by the brand name (ex: digital marketing course).

No Branded

This is where the most significant objective of most SEO strategies lives: generating traffic for terms not accompanied by the brand. For this, Google considers several factors (not just On-Page optimization), such as search intent, location, search history, etc.

Sell ​​more or focus on strengthening the brand? It is necessary to define your fundamental objective. Only then is it possible to make a performance analysis that matches the reality of your business, taking into account the appropriate metrics.

SEO Strategies for Blogs

Awareness is often the SEO goal of companies that invest in optimized content strategy on brand blogs. And for this reason, the tasks are different concerning website optimization for search engines and the optimization of virtual stores for Google.

This is because what will increase the brand’s awareness among Internet users is having more posts with content optimized for SEO that answer their main doubts, highlighted in Google’s organic search or the top positions.

SEO Strategies for E-commerce

In an SEO strategy for virtual stores, the logic is not very different from the strategy for a website about organization and planning. It also needs a well-defined goal, planning, execution of tasks, measurement, and analysis.
For example, optimizing the title and description of products (especially the stars) becomes fundamental, and other page optimizations generally involve the technical part and even the optimized content.

Tactics that are not always a priority in SEO strategies for lead sites (since the user’s intended action is not buying but filling out forms). Therefore, the prioritized optimization tasks are often different.

Top Digital Marketing Tools for Google Search

top digital marketing tools for google search
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Ads (inks sponsored by SERP – that is: it is how to advertise on the largest search engine in the world)
  • Search Console
  • Google Sheets
  • Youtube
  • CSV files
  • Databases (MySQL, BigQuery, PostgreSQL, among others)

Tools That Help in the Development of SEO Strategies

To start your SEO strategy, you can count on some essential tools to optimize the process, such as:

Google Sheets

Perfect for gathering and organizing data and information, spreadsheets are indispensable when planning your Search Engine Optimization strategies. Free and online, Google Spreadsheets is a great tip to facilitate the entire SEO process in your company. It is possible to perform collaborative work, create graphics, use formulas, and share with Excel, among other features.

google sheets for seo strategies


Market leader SEMRush is a complete Digital Marketing tool that allows you to manage SEO to content through social media, advertising, and research. Not to mention that it makes reporting more straightforward. In the case of optimizing websites for search engines, with SEMrush, you can:

  • Search Keyword
  • Do organic research
  • Link Building (building and analyzing backlinks)
  • Monitor rankings
  • Audit websites
  • Organic Traffic Insights
  • KeywordHero
semrush dashboard

More than searching for keywords to increase your organic traffic, you can track consumer or persona behavior using various metrics such as bounce rate, conversion rate, session length, etc. Also, it shows the positioning in the SERP updated with each session.

Google Search Console

This tool is indispensable to make your page stand out in the organic search results. Google Search Console allows you to evaluate your site’s performance in search engine searches and determine what needs to be fixed to improve your ranking. Also, you can do URL inspection, traffic evaluation, and optimization of all your content, among other features that make a difference in SEO.

SEO Review Tools

Do you want to do a complete SEO audit? Then SEO Review Tools is a great option. Easy to use (paste URL and type the keyword), it offers fundamental tools that evaluate:

  • SEO Techniques
  • Authority
  • Contents
  • Social networks
seo review tools

In addition to evaluating your pages and providing information to improve optimization and ranking, the tool allows you to keep up with your competition.

SEO Strategy in Short

Ranking well in search engines results from a complex process that includes more than one SEO strategy based on clear objectives, planning, good execution, and analysis. Without organization and guidance for decision-making with data, effective planning that results in optimization strategies that work is practically impossible.

Also, check out our On-Page SEO Services if you need professional help with your SEO strategy!

Frequently Asked Questions About

The main goal of SEO methods focusing on the objectives and goals desired by your company in the organic traffic channel.

Competitor analysis helps you determine whether the market niche is possible to enter.

Changes made on the SEO On-Page depend on the chosen keywords, such as reviewing the site’s structure and the links and creating new pages.

The SEO organic traffic is divided into two ways: Branded and No branded.

The operations you can make vary from your intentions; you can do URL inspection, traffic evaluation, and optimization of all your content, among other features that make a difference in SEO.

Gizem Akmanlı
Gizem Akmanlı

Posts: 152

Jr. SEO Content Editor at Dopinger, Gizem Akmanlı graduated from Literature department. With her interest in content production and editing, she managed a blog for 5 years, then turned to digital marketing and started to develop herself in the field of SEO. She is a supporter of sustainable living... Read More
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