Yavuz Sadıkoğlu

Yavuz Sadıkoğlu

Content Marketing

Since his early years, Yavuz has been studying the inner workings of different digital environments.

Meta Robots Tag Guide

Meta Robots Tag Guide

The meta robots tag is said to be one of the essential SEO tags to audit your pages! After all, your page is tagged with the robot's meta tag "noindex," for example, no matter how valuable, complete and practical your content is, it won't show up on Google. The name seems difficult, but it believ...

URL Inspection Tool

URL Inspection Tool

One of your biggest assistants in all SEO studies is Google Search Console. It provides detailed essential data to understand how your website is successful in organic search results. That's why almost every website owner's leading tool for SEO is GSC. This amazing tool contains several tools to hel...

Discord Guide for Marketing

Discord Guide for Marketing

For a couple of years, Discord in the market, and even now, it has over 130 million users. It is a pretty popular chat platform, although it was known among gamers mostly. However, it is not anymore since it now includes different groups, such as influencers or brands. So much so that one needs a Di...

Akismet Anti-Spam

Akismet Anti-Spam

When your website/blog becomes popular, you will see an increase in spam comments. If your website/blog has an open comments section, you will understand what we mean. However, if you don't want to see those comments under your posts, you can use the Akismet anti-spam plugin. Akismet is one of th...

Broken Link Checker

Broken Link Checker

Having broken links on your site is a terrible thing for your website's overall user experience. Also, they negatively impact SEO rankings if they happen on the internal links. However, it is not a problem anymore. With Broken Link Checker, you can easily detect those links and replace them. In this...

Majestic SEO: What It Is & How to Use It?

Majestic SEO: What It Is & How to Use It?

Majestic is a web-based software tool. That is a backlink query tool with the most extensive backlink index in the internet market. The backlink data that this tool has is not available in any tool in the market. However, you should know that Majestic SEO is not an SEO measurement package. The Majes...

Who Are SEO Specialists?

Who Are SEO Specialists?

Today, there are almost two billion websites. Besides, more than half of the world's population interacts with these websites. Soon, there will be one website for every two people in the online world. It is difficult to stand out among other websites in this huge online world. This situation is vita...

Subdomain vs Subdirectory

Subdomain vs Subdirectory

With many Internet users and websites, the content struggle to be displayed in search results is also increasing. Both website developers and content producers try to look at the SEO compatibility of sites and content needed to stand out. SEO, that is, the efficiency of search engines is not a singl...

What Is Growth Hacking?

What Is Growth Hacking?

The term "growth hacking" is a marketing approach, using both resource-efficient and cost-effective tactics. This marketing method helps companies to; build and keep an active customer base, sell their products, and grow brand awareness. Since the beginning of globalization, companies have focused o...