How to Find New Content Ideas

One of the most researched topics by people who have websites is how to find new content ideas. There are millions of websites today, and each one caters to a variety of users. Websites with different and new ideas stand out. Writing content on new topics and finding previously unpublished content is very difficult due to website density. This kind of content comes to the fore, and people click on this content directly when they search.

One of the topics that website content producers do the most research on is finding the most searched keywords on the internet. The most searched keywords on the internet can make people’s websites stand out. However, it is necessary to produce different and new content with these words. Since it will be tough for different and non-new content to come to the fore, problems may arise even if keywords are used best.

Today, many websites produce articles with different contents by using the titles published by popular sites. It would not be correct to say that it is a completely useless method because if there is a small amount of content written in that title, the best articles will stand out. However, hundreds of articles written in that title reduce the possibility of the site to stand out. So people need new content.

How Do I Find New and High-Quality Titles?

Finding new and high-quality titles for websites takes a long time. People need to do good research and be very careful. Having two articles with the same title will not lose value to the site. However, at the same time, this article should have the potential to be searched. It should not be forgotten that the articles about the titles can be searched and loaded very quickly. Therefore, people should write and upload their articles as soon as they find an unused title.

Instead of researching how successful and high-quality titles are found, people can create their own. People first need to know about the most researched keywords. For example, there is a website with health-related content. The most researched keywords that week were “COVID-19, what is COVID-19, when did COVID-19 come out? etc.” To produce content on this subject, it is necessary to be really involved in the subject. Because all the titles that people can write with their own information were written when COVID-19 was first released, if a person writes an article titled What is COVID-19, it will not stand out.

More Points to Consider

Articles can be written about the COVID-19 vaccine and its progress, but it is impossible for people who are not on the subject to provide different information from other sites. The titles published by the most up-to-date health sites can be followed, but it is necessary to write and add content as soon as the update arrives. It should not be forgotten that, as it is uncertain when the update will arrive, the highest quality content will be selected from among those who add it with you. Therefore, it makes more sense to stay away from such trap keywords.

For example, a women’s website author wants to add an article about food that week. The most researched keywords that week were “baklava, how to make baklava, baklava types.” This title is easier to write because it is a title that will make daily life easier, and many women can produce content with their own knowledge. The author of the site can change this title as follows: “What are the baklava varieties that have been popularly consumed in recent years?” This title, which is likely to be searched on search engines, is one of the first articles to appear when searched for baklava varieties. If the article is of high quality, it is quite beautiful. The process is much simpler when it is typed into the search engine, if it does not appear on many sites, or if the date of the publication covers a few months earlier.

15 Ways to Find New Content Ideas

From exploring social media landscapes to crafting personalized narratives, from harnessing the power of keyword research to leveraging the insights of online forums, each of these strategies holds the potential to be a wellspring of inspiration. Here are the 15 to find new content ideas;

  1. Scour Social Media
  2. Examine Blog Comments
  3. Use Google Search Suggestions
  4. Run Competitive Analysis
  5. Use Topic Generator Platforms
  6. Tell Your Stories
  7. Get Inspired by Newsletters
  8. Get Ideas from YouTube Videos
  9. Stay Up to Date with Your Field
  10. Update Your Old Content
  11. Visit Online Forums
  12. Make Surveys
  13. Make Keyword Research
  14. Look for Long-tail Keywords
  15. Identify Content Gaps
ways to find new content ideas

Scour Social Media

Social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn aren’t just spaces for sharing photos and updates; they’re living ecosystems brimming with conversations, debates, and trends. These platforms provide an unfiltered glimpse into millions of users’ thoughts, queries, and interests worldwide. By immersing yourself in these conversations, you can tap into the collective pulse of your target audience. You can use the top social media platforms for marketing to implement this strategy.

To uncover new content ideas on social media, start by following influential figures, experts, and organizations in your niche. These thought leaders often initiate or engage in discussions that highlight emerging trends, challenges, and breakthroughs. Pay attention to the hashtags they use, as these can serve as entry points into broader conversations.

Engage with the content they share, participate in discussions, and note user questions. These interactions can provide valuable insights into the gaps in existing content and the unique angles you can explore. Additionally, monitor the comments sections of posts related to your field. Here, you’ll find a goldmine of queries and concerns that can inspire comprehensive and informative content pieces.

Examine Blog Comments

Delving beyond the surface of the content you present, you’ll find a treasure trove of insight, queries, and perspectives within the realm of blog comments. As we discover new content ideas, let’s unravel the layers of wisdom blog comments offer and learn how to harness their potential.

Blog comments are akin to the whispered conversations exchanged at a symposium—a forum where readers, enthusiasts, and knowledge seekers gather to voice their thoughts, concerns, and questions. These comments emerge as dynamic interactions that bridge the gap between creator and consumer, opening doors to a world of ideas for content creation. Pay attention to recurring questions, diverse viewpoints, and debates in the comments section.

Use Google Search Suggestions

Google Search Suggestions, often called “autocomplete” or “predictive search,” embody the essence of user intent. As users type their queries into the search bar, Google’s suggestions offer a glimpse into the most common and relevant topics related to those queries. These suggestions are shaped by real-time searches, reflecting users’ pressing questions, interests, and concerns worldwide.

Use Google Search Suggestions

Imagine Google Search Suggestions as a trail of breadcrumbs leading to the heart of your audience’s curiosity. You can unearth a trove of potential new content ideas by merely entering a keyword or phrase related to your niche. These suggestions, born from the amalgamation of global searches, can guide you toward the paths your audience wishes to explore.

Run Competitive Analysis

Competitive analysis involves gazing beyond your digital realm and exploring the territories that others have conquered. It’s a deliberate effort to understand the strategies, content offerings, and audience interactions that have propelled your competitors to the forefront. In this expansive vista of exploration, you’re not seeking to replicate but to glean insights that will inform your unique approach.

dopinger competitor analysis tool

As you delve into your competitors’ content, dissect their strategy discerningly. What themes do they explore? What types of content garner the most engagement? How frequently do they publish? By answering these questions, you unearth the rhythm and cadence of their content strategy. However, remember that content strategies are not set in stone; they adapt and evolve. What worked for them may serve as a springboard for your innovations. You can use Dopinger’s Competitor Analysis tool.

Use Topic Generator Platforms

Numerous online tools, such as HubSpot’s Blog Ideas Generator and Portent’s Content Idea Generator, can assist you in brainstorming new content ideas. Input a keyword or a broad topic, and these platforms will generate a list of potential headlines or angles to explore. While not all suggestions may be perfect, they can certainly stimulate your creative process.

Tell Your Stories

Your experiences, challenges, and successes can be authentic sources of inspiration. Sharing personal anecdotes or case studies adds a human touch to your content and can offer valuable lessons to your audience. Turn your journey into a wellspring of new content ideas that resonate with your readers or viewers.

Get Inspired by Newsletters

Newsletters from industry publications, thought leaders, and content aggregators can be rich sources of inspiration. These newsletters often highlight the latest trends, research findings, and developments in your field. Subscribing to a few relevant newsletters can help you stay on top of emerging topics and generate new content ideas.

Get Ideas from YouTube Videos

YouTube isn’t just a platform for entertainment; it’s a goldmine of educational content and ideas for content creation. Explore videos related to your niche and pay attention to the comments section. What questions are viewers asking? What discussions are taking place? Use these insights to craft content that addresses these queries or adds to the ongoing conversations.

Stay Up to Date with Your Field

As a content creator, your journey is intertwined with the perpetual flow of advancements, trends, and insights in your field. The ninth strategy for uncovering new content ideas invites you to embark on a voyage of perpetual learning. This journey enriches your content and positions you as a trusted source of up-to-the-minute knowledge.

Within the folds of ongoing research, studies, and reports lie hidden insights waiting to be unearthed. By staying current, you access a wealth of data and findings that can be translated into compelling content. Whether it’s statistics, case studies, or breakthrough discoveries, these insights amplify the value of your content.

Update Your Old Content

Updating your old content is a testament to your commitment to timeless relevance and the evergreen value you bring to your audience. Old content isn’t obsolete; it’s a repository of evergreen wisdom. Concepts that held relevance when you first crafted them often retain their significance over time. By revisiting and updating this content, you reinforce its value and ensure that it continues to serve as a reliable resource for your audience. What was true yesterday may have transformed today. When you update your old content, you align it with the current state of knowledge. This enhances its accuracy and demonstrates your commitment to delivering accurate, up-to-date insights.

Visit Online Forums

Online forums and communities are hubs of discussions and queries about specific topics. Platforms like Reddit, Quora, and specialized industry forums are excellent sources of new content ideas. Look for recurring questions, problems, or debates and create content that provides solutions or insights.

Make Surveys

Directly engaging with your audience through surveys can yield valuable insights and generate new content ideas. Create surveys to understand their pain points, interests, and preferences. The responses can guide you in tailoring your content to meet their needs.

Make Keyword Research

Keyword research, often likened to the art of deciphering a map to hidden treasures, is the cornerstone of your quest for new content ideas. Keywords are the compass points that guide digital explorers to their desired destinations. They represent the intentions, questions, and curiosities of online users. By immersing yourself in keyword research, you step into your audience’s shoes, understanding not only what they’re searching for but also the nuances of how they express their queries. You can follow a keyword research checklist for your content.

Look for Long-Tail Keywords

While broad keywords are important, long-tail keywords can uncover specific queries and needs of your audience. These longer and more specific phrases can be a goldmine of new content ideas. Identifying long-tail keywords can attract highly targeted traffic to your platform.

Identify Content Gaps

Conduct a thorough analysis of your content and identify areas that haven’t been adequately covered. These content gaps represent opportunities for creating new content ideas that cater to unmet needs within your niche. Comprehensive coverage on overlooked topics can set you apart as a valuable resource.

Conclusion On Finding New Content Ideas

A site owner who makes a lot of effort and time to set up a website, not only with the logic of making money but also with the logic of being useful, will always be at the top. Your new content ideas have the power to forge deep connections, transcending the digital divide to touch the hearts and minds of individuals across the globe.

Frequently Asked Questions About

There are many ways you can take advantage of finding new content ideas. However, it would be best to act following the target audience. However, people who are blog writers can research keyword research and social media.

Content ideas are everywhere. If people research more, ask more, and spend more time, it will create the highest quality content.

It is essential that the subject you choose appeals to your target audience and is included in keyword research. Also, choosing the content your target audience desires is a point that will benefit you more. People can submit their content ideas to vote on social media channels.

It emerges with what the person thinks about the target audience. For example, users who want to create a strong topic should not separate their preferences from the general topic of the site. While creating the subject, one should not be dependent on one source; many sources should be evaluated simultaneously.

Users who want to generate content ideas must first act by their target audience, then keyword research, and finally, content marketing. Using all three and not leaving the site topic will bring people forward.

Gizem Akmanlı
Gizem Akmanlı

Posts: 152

Jr. SEO Content Editor at Dopinger, Gizem Akmanlı graduated from Literature department. With her interest in content production and editing, she managed a blog for 5 years, then turned to digital marketing and started to develop herself in the field of SEO. She is a supporter of sustainable living... Read More
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