Otoçıkma.com Case Study

Otocikma.com is a website that sells second-hand vehicle parts online. However, they needed professional support to increase their sales on the internet as well as attract users to their website and get better rankings on search engines. In line with this need, they contacted Dopinger SEO Agency in late 2021 and took the first step to strengthen their digital assets. Before starting our work, we first learned about the goals as well as the expectations of our customer. Then we started to take action in line with the customer's demands.

dopinger otoçıkma case studies

Our customer asked us to focus on the words “çıkma parça” and “yedek çıkma parça”. First, we gave our priority to these words. In about three months, we rose to 1st place in the targeted words. Of course, our rise was not limited to these words, but we also continued to rise in other services and products. So how did we get such an increase?

After six months of work, we increased our click-through rates by 38%. We increased our view counts by about 6 million more. In addition to all these, we have managed to increase our click-through rate from 8.6% to around 10%. We've lowered the bounce rate and increased the number of sessions per user and the average session duration. Before we talk about how we achieved this rise, let's share a table showing our rankings in keywords.

dopinger otoçıkma case studies position

So How Did We Achieve This?

First, we analyzed the customer's demands and goals. In line with these them, we have created a roadmap for ourselves. We initially focused on low-volume keywords to increase website authority. Afterward, we worked on more difficult keywords with each passing day.

otoçıkma trafik verileri

Keyword Analysis

After determining our goals and planning our roadmap, we conducted keyword analysis. In this section, we first focused on the keywords that the customer specifically wanted an increase for. After achieving success with the requested keywords, we examined the potentially promising keywords and tried to associate them with the site. While conducting analyzes on potentially promising keywords, we started to analyze words close to the first page. After we managed to get the keywords in the 12th and 13th positions to the first page, we started to examine the competitors. We reviewed the content available from competitors and created more comprehensive content on our site.

otocikma keywords

Title and Meta Description Analysis

Although title and meta descriptions seem to be of little importance in rankings, we nevertheless started to optimize them. This is because we know that they are of great importance. We extended the short title and meta descriptions to a certain character and shortened the long title and meta descriptions, giving the page a cleaner look on the SERP. We've also optimized keyword-free page titles and meta descriptions.

Content Optimization

otoçıkma analytics result

Structured Data

Since we know how important structured data are, we also implemented various structural data websites Otocikma. As a result of these efforts, we were able to drive traffic to the site from various sources such as "The android app, Web light results, videos, and FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions).

otocikma page result

Blog Section

We realized that we could respond to the topics that users are curious about and attract users to the site with blog posts. Since blog posts are one of the most basic ways of attracting users to the site, we included blogs with niche and long-tail keywords, as well as blog content with high search volume.

We increased website authority for the relevant pages by internal linking to product pages and main categories within the blog posts. We have integrated all blog posts into the site to be SEO compatible and to increase the user experience.


Since SEO is a holistic work, we focused not only on on-page SEO but also on off-page SEO. We started to analyze the links that will give authority to the site and increase the authority of the site on search engines. We have brought high-quality links with high DR value to the site.

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Toxic Link Analysis

We analyzed the links on the site with various tools such as Ahrefs, Semrush, and Google Search Console. As a result of the analysis, we detected poor quality and irrelevant links that have spam quality. Later, we rejected these links through the Google Disavow Tool. In this way, we made the link profile of the site cleaner.

Site Audit

As in all our projects, regular technical audit audits were carried out on the website otocikma.com. During technical SEO audits, Screaming Frog, Ahrefs, and occasionally Semrush were used.

teknik seo çalışmaları

Site audit has been renewed on a weekly basis on Ahrefs, Screaming Frog, and Semrush. More content and page structures were examined through Ahrefs and Semrush. Orphan pages, permalinks, meta descriptions, and pages with short page titles were identified, and necessary improvements were made.

Response codes, image sizes, page loading speeds, and canonical and hreflang tags of the site were analyzed via Screaming Frog. The technical improvements required by the site were mostly made through Screaming Frog.

Website Speed and Page Experience

We know how much website speed affects user experience. We have improved the site speed in order to ensure that users have a productive time on the site. So what have we done to improve site speed?

otocikma page experience desktop

Page experience has been included as an important part of SEO, especially since the Core Web Vitals criteria were announced. Several steps have been taken to enhance the page experience. FCP and LCP problems are minimized. Thanks to these efforts, a great acceleration was achieved in the page experience, and the site gained extra impressions and clicks because it had a good page experience.

otocikma page experience mobile

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Otoçıkma.com Case Studies F.A.Q.

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Site speed is seen as an important ranking factor by search engines. In this context, it is very important to have a good site speed on both desktop and mobile sides. In this direction, we have carried out many different actions, including priority points such as optimizing high-dimensional images and eliminating 404 errors for our customer's websites.

The Core Web Vitals tool has been a very important guide for us in terms of the technical optimizations we have carried out on our customer's websites. Within the scope of this data, the elimination of orphan pages, broken links, and coverage errors were among the main actions we have undertaken.

In SEO, content comes first among the factors that should be given importance. In this direction, we have carried out studies on the planning of SEO-compatible content, content optimizations, and keeping the already existing content constantly updated.

Especially considering the competition in the e-commerce sector, good keyword analysis is one of the essential processes. In this context, important steps have been taken to reach the targeted point with the title and meta work carried out after the keyword analysis on a sectoral basis. 

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