Technical SEO

Page Has Broken Image Error In Technical SEO 

Page Has Broken Image Error In Technical SEO 

In the intricate world of technical SEO, every detail counts towards achieving optimal website performance and visibility. One such detail is ensuring all images on your website are correctly displayed and accessible. Search engine bots scan your images as well as your pages. This shows us that imag...

Noindex Page Receives Organic Traffic Error In Technical SEO 

Noindex Page Receives Organic Traffic Error In Technical SEO 

In the realm of Technical SEO, the 'Noindex' tag is a directive used to prevent search engines from indexing specific web pages. However, when a 'Noindex' page still receives organic traffic, it indicates a significant discrepancy in how a website's content is being handled by search engines. This s...

Non-canonical Page In Sitemap Error In Technical SEO 

Non-canonical Page In Sitemap Error In Technical SEO 

A sitemap is a roadmap for search engines to understand and navigate a website effectively. That's why sitemaps are of great importance for Technical SEO. However, errors in the sitemap can mislead search engines, impacting a site's SEO performance. A common yet critical error in this context is the...

Multiple Meta Description Tags Error In Technical SEO 

Multiple Meta Description Tags Error In Technical SEO 

The meta description tag is a critical component in SEO as it provides a brief summary of the webpage's content. However, having multiple meta description tags on a single page is a common mistake that can negatively impact a website's Technical SEO performance. This error, known as 'Multiple meta d...

Meta Description Tag Missing or Empty Error in Technical SEO 

Meta Description Tag Missing or Empty Error in Technical SEO 

The meta description tag is an essential element in a webpage's HTML that provides a brief overview of the page's content. A common issue faced in technical SEO is the 'Meta description tag missing or empty error,' where a webpage lacks a meta description or contains an empty one. This absence can s...

HTTPS Page Has Internal Links to HTTP Error in Technical SEO 

HTTPS Page Has Internal Links to HTTP Error in Technical SEO 

With the increasing emphasis on website security, using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) has become a standard practice. However, a common technical SEO error occurs when an HTTPS page contains internal links that point to HTTP (non-secure) pages. This 'HTTPS page has internal links to HTT...

Image Broken Error in Technical SEO 

Image Broken Error in Technical SEO 

Images play a crucial role in enhancing the user experience and SEO of a website. However, the 'Image broken error' in technical SEO refers to instances where images on a webpage fail to load or display correctly. This can be due to various reasons, such as incorrect file paths, server issues, or de...

Technical SEO

You can find all kinds of information in our technical SEO category written by our expert analysts. In our blog category; We cover a lot of content such as crawling and indexing, XML sitemaps, stolen content and href tags.

What Is Technical SEO?

It is the process of ensuring that a website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines with the goal of improved organic rankings. Its important elements are crawling, indexing, loading speed and website architecture. Even if your site’s content is the best in its field, you won’t be able to rank if you haven’t done technical SEO checklist.

In its simplest form, Google and other search engines need to find and index your content. But that alone is not enough to rank. You need to optimize your site from start to finish. This; security, mobile compatibility, fast loading etc. many things are included.

But let’s say you weren’t aware of these, then what? In rare cases, you may rank even if you don’t optimize your site. But an optimized site will always be one step ahead.

It also refers to improving the technical aspects of a website to increase the ranking of its pages in search engines. Making a website faster, easier to crawl and understandable to search engines are the pillars of technical optimization. Technical SEO is a part of on-page SEO that focuses on improving elements on your website to achieve higher rankings. This is the opposite of off-site SEO, which is about building visibility for a website through other channels.