Technical SEO

H1 Tag Missing Or Empty Warning

H1 Tag Missing Or Empty Warning

The digital world has wonders, however, it is not perfect. Sometimes there can be problems. In this world where algorithms waltz and crawlers choreograph the dance of search results, a peculiar warning emerges, the absence or emptiness of the H1 tag. It is akin to a missing note in a symphony. Wh...

CSS File Size Too Large 

CSS File Size Too Large 

Search engine optimization (SEO) sometimes can have many things to be careful. Even the slightest misstep can disrupt the harmonious performance of a website. Every byte matters and the CSS file size too large issue can be a formidable challenge. You can see this very clearly especially in the page ...

CSS Broken Issue

CSS Broken Issue

Imagine a virtual runway where style meets substance – a website’s visual appeal is intricately intertwined with its functionality. Within the algorithmic corridors of search engines, the CSS broken warning emerges as a silent messenger, signaling potential disruptions in the visual tapestry of a we...

Noindex Page in Sitemap

Noindex Page in Sitemap

As search engines tirelessly navigate the vast expanse of the internet, the “Noindex Page in Sitemap” issue surfaces as a potential roadblock. Imagine it as a hidden chapter in a book; although present, it remains overlooked. It’s the digital equivalent of marking a treasure chest with a “Do Not Ope...

302 Redirect Error in Technical SEO

302 Redirect Error in Technical SEO

302 is a temporary redirection status code in web development. It indicates that the requested page or resource has been moved temporarily to a different location. Users may not notice, but in Technical SEO, the temporary nature of the move can have implications for optimization and link equity tran...

3xx Page Receives Organic Traffic Error

3xx Page Receives Organic Traffic Error

The "3xx page receives organic traffic" error in technical SEO indicates that a page, despite having a redirection status code, still receives organic traffic. This could impact user experience and SEO performance. To address this, review and update the redirection settings to align with the current...

3xx Redirect in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO 

3xx Redirect in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO 

SEO continues to play a crucial role in enhancing digital presence, and mastering its components is essential. Technical SEO stands out among these components due to its complexity and importance. A key aspect of technical SEO is addressing errors like the 3xx redirect in sitemaps, which can signifi...

403 Page in Sitemap Error

403 Page in Sitemap Error

The "403 page in sitemap" error in technical SEO means that a page listed in the website's sitemap is inaccessible due to a forbidden status (HTTP 403). This occurs when the server denies access to the requested resource. You must solve underlying problems such as misconfigurations and permission is...

Technical SEO

You can find all kinds of information in our technical SEO category written by our expert analysts. In our blog category; We cover a lot of content such as crawling and indexing, XML sitemaps, stolen content and href tags.

What Is Technical SEO?

It is the process of ensuring that a website meets the technical requirements of modern search engines with the goal of improved organic rankings. Its important elements are crawling, indexing, loading speed and website architecture. Even if your site’s content is the best in its field, you won’t be able to rank if you haven’t done technical SEO checklist.

In its simplest form, Google and other search engines need to find and index your content. But that alone is not enough to rank. You need to optimize your site from start to finish. This; security, mobile compatibility, fast loading etc. many things are included.

But let’s say you weren’t aware of these, then what? In rare cases, you may rank even if you don’t optimize your site. But an optimized site will always be one step ahead.

It also refers to improving the technical aspects of a website to increase the ranking of its pages in search engines. Making a website faster, easier to crawl and understandable to search engines are the pillars of technical optimization. Technical SEO is a part of on-page SEO that focuses on improving elements on your website to achieve higher rankings. This is the opposite of off-site SEO, which is about building visibility for a website through other channels.