Hasan Berber

Hasan Berber


Hello, I'm Hasan. I graduated from Istanbul University with a degree in Business Administration. My interest in digital marketing started when I took a related course at university. Since then, I have been passionately following this field, and I'm at Dopinger to share the knowledge I've gained with you!

Hreflang Annotation Invalid Error in Technical SEO 

Hreflang Annotation Invalid Error in Technical SEO 

The "hreflang annotation invalid" error in technical SEO signals problems with language or region codes in a website's hreflang annotations. This occurs when codes do not align with established standards, such as ISO 639-1 for language and ISO 3166-1 Alpha 2 for region. Precise hreflang annotations ...

Hreflang and HTML Lang Mismatch Error in Technical SEO 

Hreflang and HTML Lang Mismatch Error in Technical SEO 

The "Hreflang and HTML lang mismatch" error in technical SEO indicates inconsistencies between a webpage's language annotations and HTML lang attributes. This discrepancy can confuse search engines regarding the intended language targeting, potentially impacting the accuracy of search results for us...

Duplicate Pages Without Canonical Error in Technical SEO 

Duplicate Pages Without Canonical Error in Technical SEO 

The "Duplicate pages without canonical" error in technical SEO indicates identical or similar content on multiple pages without a canonical tag. This tag is essential for guiding search engines to understand which version is the main one. Without it, there can be confusion and potential issues with ...

Double Slash in URL Error in Technical SEO 

Double Slash in URL Error in Technical SEO 

The "Double slash in URL" error in technical SEO happens when a website's address has two slashes in a row. This might confuse people trying to use the site and can also mess up how search engines understand the website. Fixing this problem is crucial because it helps people easily navigate the site...

5xx Page in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO

5xx Page in Sitemap Error in Technical SEO

Among the response codes, the 5xx code is one of the most critical codes. The "5xx page in sitemap" error in technical SEO reports that a page with a server error (status code starting with 5xx) is included in the website's sitemap. This issue can negatively impact search engine results and indexing...

404 Page Error in Technical SEO 

404 Page Error in Technical SEO 

In technical SEO, a "404 page error" happens when the webpage you're trying to visit can't be found. This problem is one of the most critical problems among the response codes. This can occur if there are changes in how the website is organized, some pages get deleted, or if there are mistakes in th...

Broken Redirect Error in Technical SEO 

Broken Redirect Error in Technical SEO 

In Technical SEO, a "broken redirect error" occurs when a website's redirection isn't working correctly. This issue can occur due to various reasons, like mistakes in setting the redirect or the page being unavailable. You may encounter this issue when any 301 redirect goes to a broken link or the U...

500 Page Error in Technical SEO 

500 Page Error in Technical SEO 

Among the response codes, code 500 is an important code. The "500 page error" in technical SEO indicates a server issue, hindering it from fulfilling requests. Triggers include misconfigurations, application code errors, or exceeding PHP memory limits. Users and search engines encountering this erro...