Google Products

Google Safe Browsing Guide

Google Safe Browsing Guide

When you want to visit the links that appear in Google search results, you may encounter a red warning screen that says "The site you are entering contains malware." It is actually quite useful, but sometimes it can be on websites that you really need to enter. Therefore, users sometimes need more i...

Gmail Search Operators

Gmail Search Operators

E-mails have a very important place for everyone who has an active life.  Whether in business life or education life, e-mails are in every aspect of our lives. Although there are now multiple options for communicating with someone thanks to tech, they are still indispensable. In this article, w...

How to Change Google Address

How to Change Google Address

If you have a Google business profile and would like to change your business address, we will provide directions. Business information should always be up to date. If it is not, it will be difficult for your customers to find you. You can edit more information in your Google My Business account. If ...

What Is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

What Is Dynamic Keyword Insertion?

The digital age we live in affects all areas of our lives. Marketing is one of the areas where digitalization has the most profound effect on commercial life. Because this industry is now much different than it used to be. The most important factor in this development is digitalization. So, what kin...

Google SEO Tools – Detailed Guide

Google SEO Tools – Detailed Guide

Without SEO tools, it is impossible to improve your website effectively. It is because you need to see the analytics of your website to go further. These tools are excellent to show you strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, you can detect issues at the beginning and intervene before it hurts your tra...

All About Google Local Guides

All About Google Local Guides

If you have a growing business, you are probably trying to promote it via various internet platforms. Generally, the most common way of promoting your website is posting blog posts, publishing videos, or basically, making your company more visible on the internet. You must have heard different strat...

How to Verify Domain Ownership via DNS Record

How to Verify Domain Ownership via DNS Record

The Domain Name System (DNS) is necessary to create Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. Each device that has an internet connection has a unique IP address, and DNS converts these names of devices to IP addresses. Your StatusIQ subdomain can be misused. Thus, you should verify domain ownership vi...

How to Schedule an Email in Gmail?

How to Schedule an Email in Gmail?

Sometimes, you may not want to send an email you wrote to the other party immediately. You may need to send future emails for different reasons. It may not be appropriate to send work-related messages to your colleagues in the middle of the night or on a weekend break unless it is a special occasion...

Google Products

Google is the most popular search engine that is used by more than 4.5 billion people. It has been number one every time in terms of search engines and undoubtfully it is the most preferred engine ever. Yet, Google has developed itself in many ways and created some products. In this category, we will touch upon Google products and their features.

Google is a major company that has an enormous budget. They invest in research and development and they are aware of what the market needs. In fact, we may say that Google leads the market.

With its products, Google facilitates the work of many businesses that are on the internet as well as customers. Being successful on the internet is more important than ever. Thankfully, they have released many products that would come in handy for all kinds of businesses.

SEO is something inevitable in the digital world, and Google has answered people’s calls with tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Here, we will touch upon some of the most important products including these ones.

Products like Analytics and Search Console help business and website owners to optimize their works in order to present themselves at their best and rank higher in the SERPs by giving detailed feedback. Products like Google Discover, on the other hand, offers a more user-based approach.

Learn the details of these products and start using them as an expert by our articles. We will keep informing you about these amazing Google SEO tools and their features.