Backlink Strategies (How to Build Quality Backlinks?)

There are numerous factors affecting search engine optimization (SEO), such as site speed, name, quality of software, and user experience. But two factors affect SEO, and these factors are almost dominating other factors from the top to bottom: the content of the website and the backlinks on their websites. You can work hard to create high-quality keyword-based web content, but if you don’t have high-quality backlinks (a link to a website given by another website), your website will be more likely to stay in line. One of the tools that the Google algorithm determines the authority of your website is the links you receive. In today’s article, we will tell you about backlink strategies.

What Is a Backlink?

The link text on your site or the link text you use in the backlinks of another site can affect the location of the search engine ranking. Link text is the words that you can click on your page. They are visible links that users can see and interact with. 

A few years ago, the keyword was plentiful, and the use of backlinks to the website was common. For example, a website had created backlinks to its website on some other website with the words “e-commerce development.” Each site had backlinks to the original site with the keyword “e-commerce development.” This method was a method that initially dominated the Internet. It then led to an increase in low-quality websites containing spam. This method changed in 2012. It no longer affects if a website doesn’t have a 100 percent keyword match. Sometimes even, authorities can punish the website by thinking that the website is spamming.

Backlink, one of the SEO tactics, was one of the most important stages from the past to the present. Links created to attract readers’ attention can be briefly called a backlink. For example, search engine spiders check all links to pages when editing sorts in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) results, and then take the task of listing them in search results. That’s where the importance of backlinks from the sites on this subject emerges. These links, which refer to reference, seriously positively affect your SEO work. This backlink intake in search engines means a serious score and reliability. At the same time, you’ll inevitably rise soon! That is why backlink strategies carry importance.

Why Is Backlink Important For SEO

Why Is Backlink Important For SEO?

The content is just one of Google’s assessments of what the website is about and what authority ownership is about. Websites with backlinks on other sites generally have higher quality and more important domain authority than websites that don’t have them. This is one of the main reasons you need a powerful link-building strategy to improve your website ranking. Each backlink is added to the Google profile of the website you added. The profile looks at the page directed by the link, the text of the link, and the order of the site with the link. A site’s link profile is one of the key factors that improve the order of the site.

Backlink strategies were very simple in the past. Each website owner was opening fake blogs or setting up a backlink chain by placing their website links on unrelated forums. It would not be wrong to say that Google destroyed the effect of this method with its algorithm update in 2012. The main factor in the backlink creation system is “context” in backlink strategies.

So suppose you’re an e-commerce site that sells X-brand mobile phones. In this case, if possible, the main issue is that you get a link to the X mobile phone’s relevant page from a blog post or news site whose authority is on mobile phone and technology products. Getting a link from the relevant site to your home page or getting a link from the unrelated page to the relevant page of the X mobile phone affects your ranking to a certain level, but it doesn’t affect the desired level.

Best Backlink Making/ Discovery/ Import Methods

Backlink strategies require a lot of attention and knowledge because it’s hard to get an external connection. However, we shared below with examples of how you can get backlinks or find the best way.

Internal Links (In-Site Links)

The in-site or inbound links we frequently see in 2018 SEO tactics are the best backlinks. Although most users do not see the backlinks placed inside the site, search engines see all of them. Search engines need to make the user informed about it again on that site without having to link a topic of the site. Because such sites are comprehensive and useful sites for Google. 

It’s worth remembering that every work you do can be a rule because more than everything hurts Google! The maximum number of internal connections you provide in an article or text you typed must be 200. If you don’t want to be stuck in the Google filter and don’t want to be exposed to sort ingesting, you should never exceed that number. Other than that, the other thing to watch out for is to link constantly to the same word. Google, of course, understands that and can ignore your work directly. Therefore, it would be the best way to determine different keywords and give them links for your backlink strategies.

Be Sure to Take a Look at Guest Writing

It is wrong to see the backlink as giving links in general. Because in any circumstances you express yourself, you get a backlink. For example, it’s a way to get a backlink to tell yourself or your job about anything on news sites or blog sites. You can also do a backlink work in a quality manner without any connection to your content on the site. The best and most risk-free backlink work is the guest writer’s tactic for backlink strategies.

Contact Columnists

You can follow columnists to get them to find resources from your site about the topics they’re going to write. When you submit that article you have written to columnists and quotes from this source, we are sure that the authors will be among those who provide you with the best backlink.

If you’re wondering how to contact columnists, you can search the site and request a conversation with the columnist in the contact section of the website on this topic. It is much easier and faster to reach by mail method.

Follow Blog and Forum Reviews

Follow Blog and Forum Reviews

The logic of getting backlinks by commenting on blogs and forums sounds like a cliché, but it can provide you with incredible quality backlinks when done in the right place. To do this, you should follow blogs and forum sites about your industry and usually make sure you are the first to comment. It is essential when building links. You can even ask for guest posting to get backlinks. 

Quality Backlink and Visitor Blogger Reviews

“Content is king” is not a lie at all. Bloggers and, of course, creators are undoubtedly a must for SEO work. For this reason, bloggers’ review articles are undoubtedly the best backlink areas for you. Bloggers popular in all areas have a certain following, and their sites take a significant amount of traffic. All you have to do here is to apply tactics in choosing bloggers. We have explained to you above Google’s seriousness about getting backlinks from unrelated sites, and we recommend that you take care of this in choosing bloggers.

The traffic from a blogger who has nothing to do with the product or service you provide and the traffic entries from the blogger on this subject will not be the same. If you’re looking for backlink strategies that will change your ranking on Google and give you more benefits, watch out when choosing a blogger. Collaborating with bloggers is quite easy and affordable. After discovering a blogger that suits your industry, all you have to do is connect!

While contracting a blogger is a very profitable tactic for you, here are some things to consider, for example, you paid a figure like $20 and told the blogger to create content to review your product. Blogger should prepare this content on the criteria you want and keep it on the website as long as you want. Otherwise, a content prepared by not complying with the SEO criteria will not be useful, and its existing benefit may end with the removal of the web site. Therefore, be sure to submit your content criteria and duration requests when making these conversations with the blogger.

Try to Find Links to Closed Websites

Links to websites closed by their founders are certainly the best backlink areas. Administrators may decide to close websites with administrative problems over time. At this point, you can try to get quality backlinks by stepping in. Because getting backlinks from these popular websites undoubtedly means you’re successful in SEO battles!

“How do I get a connection from a closed website?” If the website you find isn’t a site for the work you do or the service you’re providing, it won’t do much of your work. Therefore, take care to find websites that publish your existing website.

Test these sites with backlink analysis programs before getting backlinks from these sites you’ve detected. Once you have identified quality links, contact the site, and let the link contained in the article broken (not working). And offer that if site administrators want to use the relevant article on your website. This allows you to find the highest quality backlinks at no cost and make significant changes in your ranking. Semrush, of course, is the program we recommend to analyze the backlinks.

Contact Websites That Mention You

On websites about institutions or services, authors always create content. The best example of these is, of course, sightseeing sites. For example, you have a site where you promote your hotel or apart service and consider backlink purchases to be more successful in your SEO activities. The best thing you can do is find the content mentioned in your hotel or apart service and add a backlink to those sites. The best backlink method on sites where your website name can also be shared is of course content. Find sites that talk about you for your SEO work and see if you can get backlinks by contacting each of them. Because this is one of the ideal options for getting quality backlinks.

So how do you get a backlink from websites that mention you? Of course, you need to contact the site manager to get backlinks. Sending a link to the article you are interested in and asking the site manager, “I see where you’re talking about my service/product, can you add a link to our website to help you more?” This way, you will still receive quality backlinks at no cost.

Social Media Alert

Social media is undoubtedly a force that everyone uses today. SEO experts should use this mass power for SEO work while using it for advertising purposes by companies. You should share URL seizing from your social media accounts so that your search engine-sourced organic traffic is not affected by updated algorithms, and your shares are even greater. 

Although not counted as a backlink, any attempt to make on social media accounts, which we can see as part backlinks, means that your brand’s popularity is increasing. This, of course, means that in the Google search engine, users can call and find you. For example, you sell your products on Facebook and have a page about it. Anyone who writes your brand name on Google and finds you will be in organic traffic. Therefore, sharing on social media accounts that don’t work backlink is still very important for SEO work. Some of this kind of social media, which is frequently used by users today, are Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Create Quality Content

Take Care to Create Quality Content That Others May Share

It is the age of consumption, and all audio materials are spreading rapidly. Even the slightest GIF is shared thousands of times on Whatsapp. There is no need to stress over and over again, how important the content is.

We are sure that you all know the importance of content in SEO activities. According to Google content criteria, content should never be copied, and you should not publish the content of any website without reference. Google is very sensitive about stolen content we call “plagiarism.” Google, which takes care to provide the best information to its users in the most original way, does not tolerate stolen content as it used to be. So if you want to be successful in SEO, you shouldn’t even use content with a high resemblance to stolen content.

Google always emphasizes the importance of quality content, which evaluates content according to its criteria. People seeking information on their website enter the top 3 sites, but if they do not find them, they log into other sites. Here comes the importance of quality content. It is not easy to ensure content quality, which is very important in terms of both sorting and brand awareness. For this, professional text writers who understand SEO content must take part. So how should you choose SEO text writers who produce content worth others to share?

Working With Writers

Writers must be experienced. A copywriter who has worked in every sector will be both practical and informed about many things. While punctuation on Google is small, people who read it will be very important. Therefore, you can request and choose other content that the person you serve as a copywriter writes by Turkish grammar rules.

How much is the SEO knowledge of the copywriter who writes SEO content? The percentage slices of the keywords you specify in SEO, the frequency of use of other keywords, how to link, such as many things need to be experienced and practical.

You can give the content a title, of course, but we recommend you text writers who are trying to add something to you. Text writers who create content from many different perspectives will give you success because they are very experienced in suggesting topics that others can click on.

Stay away from creators who write sloppy. Some writers work through methods such as speech-moaning or text inflating.

After choosing the creator to write your content, the most important criterion is to share your interesting topics regularly on their social media accounts.

Identify Backlinks of Competing Sites

Many SEO experts are already tasked with examining your opponents and reporting what they are doing. The SEO expert first lets you know what way to follow by following your competitors. Therefore, the backlinks of rival sites are of course very important. So if you’re wondering how you can see the backlinks of my opponents, let’s answer that. With the backlink analysis tool, of course!

When you type a “backlink analytics tool” on Google, you’ll see many results. You can use programs by selecting any result and easily see the backlinks your opponents receive. All you have to do is get the backlinks your opponents get from the same place.

There are paid and free backlink analysis tools, and you can choose from any. If you don’t have a budget for the backlink analytics tools, all you’re going to do is use the “SEO Spyglass” app.


In this article, we informed you about backlink strategies that you can benefit from. Creating a backlink in a successful search engine optimization strategy is one of the main elements. Keyword usage, content, backlink, data, and more for successful results must be in harmony. Learning these techniques and understanding your change over the years helps your content top the search results and be where your audience will always want to see them.

Don’t forget to check out our Link Building Checklist to drive more traffic!

You may also want to see our SEO Backlink Pyramid article.

If you liked this article about backlink strategies, please check out our other articles about SEO as well. You may be interested in an in-depth article about backlinks.

Frequently Asked Questions About

Backlinks are links to one website that, when clicked, would send the user to another website. For example, this is a link, click here,, http:/ Backlinks can be both in the form of an image and text. If the link is an image, the text of the anchor link is the alt tag of the image.

It changes depending on a few factors, but as a rule of thumb, having a link to share a page with less than ten other external links on your site would be considered a good one. The faster it is to create a backlink, the less interest it is expected to have. Also, keep in mind that using the exact anchor text in the external links is not good for backlink strategies.

Yes, backlinks do matter to SEO. Backlink strategies are important to SEO because some search engines, such as Google, will give more credit to websites that have a good number of quality backlinks and consider these websites more relevant than others in their search results pages.

Margrit Aksu
Margrit Aksu

Posts: 114

Margrit Aksu, a graduate of English Literature, is passionate about the English language. As she dived deeper into this language, writing, creating and editing articles became her passion. That's why she has been working as an SEO Content Editor at Dopinger digital marketing agency since 2021. Bes... Read More
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