Irem Gokcan

Irem Gokcan


I am İrem Beyza Gökcan and I am currently studying management engineering at Bahçeşehir University at the same time I am also studying public relations and advertising at Anadolu University. I am interested in digital marketing and SEO. Also I am pursuing my career in this area.

Google Safe Browsing Guide

Google Safe Browsing Guide

When you want to visit the links that appear in Google search results, you may encounter a red warning screen that says "The site you are entering contains malware." It is actually quite useful, but sometimes it can be on websites that you really need to enter. Therefore, users sometimes need more i...

Free Keyword Research Tools

Free Keyword Research Tools

Keywords are one of the most important building blocks of SEO practices. However, it is not always an easy task to identify the right keywords related to your topic. The right keywords can move your website higher in the SERPs of related search queries. On the other hand, not determining the keyword...

Gmail Search Operators

Gmail Search Operators

E-mails have a very important place for everyone who has an active life.  Whether in business life or education life, e-mails are in every aspect of our lives. Although there are now multiple options for communicating with someone thanks to tech, they are still indispensable. In this article, w...

How Important Is It to Have Keywords in a Domain Name?

How Important Is It to Have Keywords in a Domain Name?

It seems like everyone is looking for ways to improve their SEO nowadays. Since there are a lot of people trying to improve their SEO and get better rankings from search engines, it is really important to use everything we have got to improve our SEO. An important thing to keep in mind to use every ...

How to Change Google Address

How to Change Google Address

If you have a Google business profile and would like to change your business address, we will provide directions. Business information should always be up to date. If it is not, it will be difficult for your customers to find you. You can edit more information in your Google My Business account. If ...